Pseudo-Scientific Psychopath Detector

How well do the following factors describe the purported psychopath?

Yes Somewhat No/Unknown
Superficially charming; "silver-tongued"
Self-absorbed and egocentric
Easily bored, in need of constant stimulation
Lies habitually (please refrain from lying presently)
Manipulative; a swindler
Remorseless; rationalizes wrongdoings or is outright indifferent to them
Shallow or feigned emotions
Callous, lacks empathy
Exploits the goodwill and/or income of others
Lacks inhibitions, behaves inappropriately; no shame
Sexually promiscuous
Had behavioral problems during childhood; juvenile delinquency
Lacks long-term goals
Acts impulsively
Behaves recklessly
Refuses to accept responsibility for actions
Tends to have many short-term relationships
Lacks respect for the law
Posts "first!" comments on Internet sites
Probable diagnosis:

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Pseudo-Scientific Psychopath Detector

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